
Manage your property carefree

Do you want to rent out one or more properties? And would you like to not have to worry about administrative or financial tasks? De Haagsche Makelaar will gladly take your management tasks off your hands.

De Haagsche Makelaar carries out the following management tasks for you:


  • Advising on current rental prices
  • Extensive screening of prospective tenants
  • Select new tenants from our tenant database
  • Promote your house to the public by placing it on websites such as Funda, Pararius and other rental websites.
  • Create rental contracts
  • Create tenancy agreements.

Financial & administrative

  • Collect the monthly rent.
  • Corresponding about rent arrears and taking collection measures
  • Enforcing the annual rent increase
  • Provide payments for urgent minor maintenance complaints. Higher costs only in consultation with you.

Inspection & maintenance

  • Inspection of the current state of the house upon delivery
  • Compile a damage report
  • Giving the order for, and supervising, minor repair and maintenance work.
  • In the event of higher repair costs than those mentioned in the first sentence, the homeowner will be obliged to pay the costs of the repair work.
  • In the event of repair costs exceeding the agreed maximum amount, we will request quotations from various companies and discuss them with you.
  • In the event of disputes between the parties, we will contact the claimant.
  • Mediation in the event of disputes between the tenant and yourself.

Do you want more information? Or do you have questions about additional services? Please contact the Haagsche Makelaar with no obligation.

Personal details
Which house would you like to sell or rent?
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